Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Jew_Concious: Islam's Most Reliable Ally

Islam's Most Reliable Ally
by EduPlanet Rectorate (daniEl I. Ginerman) - Tuesday, 20 December 2005, 09:57 PM
Islam's Most Reliable Ally
By Hal Lindsey
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
posted to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EUROPEANS_WHO_SUPPORT_ISRAEL/

In a speech in Chechnya this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin
reminded the Islamic world; "Russia has always been the most faithful,
reliable and consistent defender of the interests of the Islamic world,"
Putin said. "Russia has always been the best and most reliable partner
and ally."
"Always" might be a stretch. Russia's series of wars with the Muslim
Ottoman Empire - spanning 241 years from the 17th to 19th centuries
inspired countless inspirational songs and poems. Historians credit the
Russo-Turkish wars as a main cause of the decline of the Ottoman Empire.
It was the fall of the Ottoman Empire that created the modern Middle
East - including Israel - so Islam's "most reliable ally" is also
indirectly responsible for Islam's current state of affairs. Be that as
it may, Putin's statement about being "Islam's most reliable defender"
is true if one goes back no further than the Cold War. As America's
attention was focused on Western Europe, particularly during the late
'40s and early '50s, the Soviet Union was quietly creating Soviet
satellite states across the Middle East. In each of its five wars
against the Arab world, Israel faced the best Soviet weaponry Islam
could buy. When Putin spoke of Russia as Islam's most "faithful,
reliable and consistent defender of the interests of the Islamic world,"
it implied Russian support for the primary Islamic goal - annihilating
Israel. Even after the Cold War ended the spy vs. spy game of alliance-
building, Russia, as Putin noted, remained "consistent" in its defense
of the interests of the Islamic world - with Islam's chief interest
remaining the annihilation of Israel. Russia's alliance with Islam was
an accidental consequence of the Cold War - as noted, prior to the
Soviet Union, Russia was the Ottoman Empire's Islamic caliphate's
bitterest enemy. The Russians were drawn into the Middle East out of
necessity by the demands of the Cold War, but they remained after the
Cold War out of a need to maintain existing alliances.
In a sense, Russia had no other choice but to sleep in the bed the
Soviets made for her. Russia committed all of her chips to Islam's side
with the decision to make Iran a nuclear power. Israel's intelligence
services told Israeli lawmakers that by late March, Iran would have
reached the "point of no return" in its quest for nuclear weapons. The
IAEA's Mohammed el Baradei gave the United Nations a similarly dismal
Taken together with Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent
public comments advocating "wiping Israel off the map," the London
Sunday Times recent assessment that Israel is readying a military strike
against Iranian nuclear sites is probably more accurate than the
Israelis would like it to be.
Iran's entire nuclear program has been engineered and overseen by
Russia. It is worth billions of dollars to Russia's cash-strapped
Iran's nuclear facilities are crawling with Russian technicians,
scientists, advisers, security and military personnel - and, in many
cases, their families. A strike against these facilities would
undoubtedly kill many of them, including some of the cream of Russia's
nuclear scientists.
In such a case, the Russians would not just shrug their shoulders, bury
their dead, and head back to Moscow to explain to their investors that
Israel blew up all their investments. The Hebrew prophet Ezekiel,
writing from captivity in Babylon over 2,500 years ago, foretold the
rise of a great military alliance "in the latter times" that would mount
an invasion force against Israel. The alliance will be led by Gog
[modern Russia] together with Persia [modern Iran] which includes most
Muslim nations of the Middle East and North Africa.
In light of that, it is fascinating to watch as Russia is being
inexorably drawn into the Middle Eastern conflict, almost against its
better judgment. As "Islam's greatest defender," Russia is being driven
by strategic and economic interests that virtually give it no other
This perfectly fulfills the role Ezekiel predicted for Russia. Ezekiel
predicted concerning a people from the extreme north of Israel known as
I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out ...
In the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back
from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel,
which had long been desolate; they were brought out of the nations, and
now all of them dwell safely. - Ezekiel 38:4a, 8b
There is only one nation to the extreme north of Israel, Russia. (See
Ezekiel 3:6, 15; 39:2) And Meshech and Tubal (39:1), predicted as the
ancient pro-genitors of this northern people, are the source of the
ancient Scythians, who are the source of the modern ethnic Russians.
Ezekiel penned his prophecy in the 6th century B.C., 1,000 years before
Muhammad, 2,000 years before Columbus, and 2,500 years before Israel's
His prophecy and the forecasts of modern-day secular futurists examining
current geopolitical trends differ with Ezekiel's vision only in one
point: Israel survives and wins the war. For the first time in history,
the conditions necessary for the Ezekiel Scenario to move forward are
all in place at the same time. What does this tell us? First, it means
that the Bible proves its Divine inspiration by the test God gave to the
first writing Prophet, Moses, in Deuteronomy 18:21-22. God threw His
gauntlet into the arena and said that the proof of His Word would be 100
percent accuracy in prophecies given to His prophets.

Those who kneel before G-d can stand before anyone! Please daven for the
safety of Bnei Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael and for G-d's Shalom for
Yerushalayim ! Am Yisrael Chai!
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Wherever we stand we stand with Israel! Forever!

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