Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Kolot_JewVoice: Mt. Zion Situation - Please Help

Mt. Zion Situation - Please Help
posted by to the forum


In October the Vatican paper 'El Messagero' reported Israel may sign
an agreement handing over part of Kever David HaMelech (the
traditional tomb of King David) on Mt. Zion to the Roman Catholic
Church. For many years the Vatican has wanted the room they describe
as the "Last Supper Room" of which all historians agree, is not the
location where a supposed event of the same name ever took place. In
exchange for handing this location over to the Church, the Jews
(Israel) would receive the Santa Maria La Blanca Church in Toledo,
Spain. Of course we all know there are no Jews left in Toledo after
being chased out in the 14th century with the violent pogroms.

We have come to learn that the President of Israel is not only
working to hand over part of the Mt. Zion Complex to the Church, but
the Church is going to build a Vatican annex or complex there. This
would be their first of more steps. We have assembled a great
international team and ISFSP is leading the charge to put pressure
(in a respectful way) to have President Katsav not sign this deal. He
is going to the Vatican in 2 weeks.

Please visit this website and learn more, see documents, and most of
all, HEAR a shocking interview with Rabbi Herman of Mt. Zion where
talks about what the Church plans to do with that portion of
Jerusalem--its shocking.

We need letter to the president, we need you to contact the media.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Kolot_JewVoice: [Tsedakah] Appeal from Tsfat, Israel

Kolot_JewVoice: Project Warm Up-"Warming bodies...touching souls"

Project Warm Up-"Warming bodies...touching souls"
by EduPlanet Rectorate (daniEl I. Ginerman) - Tuesday, 1 November 2005, 03:12 AM
Project Warm Up-"Warming bodies...touching souls"
posted to

A very good friend of mine from Jerusalem, Lori Lurie, has initiated a project to provide a new warm winter jacket for every person from Gush Katif and northern Shomron who was forced to leave their home. Lori has been able to get these jackets from the distributor at cost and has begun distributing them this week. The boys from Shevet Maalot will be coming around on Tuesday afternoon to collect for this worthwhile cause. Your donation of 36 shekels (twice "chai") will purchase a warm jacket. Please give generously. Contributions are tax deductible both here and in the US. If you prefer to bring the money directly to me you are welcome to do so. If anyone wants to pass this on to friends or relatives in chutz la'aretz, the address is

Project "Warm-Up"
P.O. Box 8431
Jerusalem 91084

Thank you and tizku lemitzvot,

Chevi Schrader
Hatirosh 14
If you have any questions you can call me at 9761290 or 054-6467739

Monday, October 31, 2005

Kolot_JewVoice: An Open Letter to American (Orthodox) Jewry

An Open Letter to American (Orthodox) Jewry
by EduPlanet Rectorate (daniEl I. Ginerman) - Monday, 31 de October de 2005, 19:52