Thursday, January 26, 2006

Jew_Concious: An Open Letter to the Israel Prison Service - brought by Naomi Ragen

An Open Letter to the Israel Prison Service - brought by Naomi Ragen
by EduPlanet Rectorate (daniEl I. Ginerman) - Thursday, 26 January 2006, 03:50 PM
Guess who running for election in the Palestinian Authority?
A letter from Arnold Roth, whose
beautiful daughter Malki was murdered in the Sbarro Pizza
bombing.  Marwan Barghouti, who has
been sentenced in Israeli courts to 5 life terms, and who
hide the murderers of Malki Roth, is a
candidate.  Below, a letter from Malki's father on the
outrageous way Israel is allowing Barghouti to run.

An open letter from Arnold Roth, Jerusalem.

Chief Superintendent Ian Domnitz
International Relations Branch
Israel Prison Service

Dear Mr Domnitz,

I would be grateful for your help in getting to the root of
a troubling matter.

Marwan Barghouti, the leader of Arafat's Fatah movement in
the West Bank and closely identified with what the BBC
_and_the_palestinians/profiles/1473585.stm>  calls "one of
its militant offshoots", the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, was
arrested by the Israeli authorities in April 2002 and
charged with the killing of 26 people and belonging to a
terrorist organisation. On May 20, 2004, the Tel Aviv
District Court convicted Barghouti of three terror attacks
in which five Israelis were murdered. He was convicted of
attempted murder, convicted of membership in a terror
organization and convicted of conspiracy to commit a crime.

On June 6, 2004, Barghouti was sentenced to five consecutive
life terms and 40 years. He is therefore a convicted
terrorist and a convicted murderer. It is worth adding that
at the trial of Barghouti's nephew and aide Ahmed Barghouti,
614>  evelations
614>  were made that Uncle Marwan hid the terror gang
members who carried out the Sbarro restaurant massacre in
Jerusalem in August 2001. Fifteen innocent civilians died
there that day. Fair disclosure: one of those murdered was
my 15 year-old daughter Malki <> .
(I make no pretence to being dispassionate about this
particular thug.)

In light of these matters, why, in your capacity as Israel
Prison Service spokesperson, did you -  an accomplished and
fluent speaker of the English language - refer again and
again in a BBC World Service radio interview yesterday
(January 24, 2006) to Marwan Barghouti as "security
prisoner"? My recollection is you used that expression half
a dozen times or more in a single interview, speaking
deliberately and fluently. No slip of the tongue seems to
have been involved.

It's clear enough that, for their part, Barghouti and gang
want his multiple convictions for murder and terrorism to be
expunged from the record, the faster the better. Claiming
him as a security prisoner or a political prisoner plainly
serves Barghouti's interests. The question for Israelis is
whether this is (a) justified and (b) in the interests of

These are highly charged times. In the run-up to today's
elections to the Palestinian Legislative Council, left-wing
extremists like Joseph Beilin have called for Barghouti to
be released from his Israeli jail-cell. Beilin has said
the murderer should be go free because he "heads one of the
Palestinian camps that do want peace and so this is the
moment to end his sentence". In the give-and-take of
Israel's robust democracy, Beilin's position may be deeply
offensive to many Israelis and thin on both logic and
jurisprudence. But Beilin speaks as a political activist,
which means he is perfectly at liberty to be as offensive as
he chooses.

But it's an entirely different matter for the official
spokesperson of the Israeli Prison Service to express
himself in what seems to be a partisan manner.

Which brings me to my questions. Does the Prison Service
agree with you that Marwan Barghouti is a 'security
prisoner'? If yes, does this entitle him to privileges to
which a mere murderer would have no right? If no, will you
immediately issue a public statement clarifying that the
final determination of Israel's criminal justice system,
convicting Barghouti of the most serious crimes, will not be
undermined any further by those responsible for running its

If the global war on terror means anything, it is essential
for us to be clear about this. Barghouti is no security
prisoner. He is no more than a loathsome felon.

I await your response.

Arnold Roth <>
Father of Malka Chana Roth Z"L

The Malki  <> Foundation PO Box
23637 Jerusalem 91236 Israel
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